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Seaborn Scatter Plots in Python: Complete Guide

Seaborn Scatter Plots in Python: Complete Guide

In this complete guide to using Seaborn to create scatter plots in Python, you’ll learn all you need to know to create scatterplots in Seaborn! Scatterplots are an essential type of data visualization for exploring your data. Being able to

Creating Pair Plots in Seaborn with sns pairplot Cover Image

Creating Pair Plots in Seaborn with sns pairplot

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create pair plots in Seaborn, using the sns.pairplot() function. These visualizations plot pairwise relationships in a dataset so that each variable in a dataset will be plotted against each other variable in the

Mean Squared Error in Python with Scikit-Learn Cover Image

How to Calculate Mean Squared Error in Python

The mean squared error is a common way to measure the prediction accuracy of a model. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to calculate the mean squared error in Python. You’ll start off by learning what the mean squared error

Linear Regression in Scikit-Learn (sklearn) An Introduction

Linear Regression in Scikit-Learn (sklearn): An Introduction

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to learn the fundamentals of linear regression in Scikit-Learn. Throughout this tutorial, you’ll use an insurance dataset to predict the insurance charges that a client will accumulate, based on a number of different factors. You’ll

How to Calculate and Plot A Correlation Matrix in Python Cover Image

Calculate and Plot a Correlation Matrix in Python and Pandas

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to calculate a correlation matrix in Python and how to plot it as a heat map. You’ll learn what a correlation matrix is and how to interpret it, as well as a short review

Seaborn in Python for Data Visualization

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a wide variety of different plots using Seaborn, as well as how to apply different styling options to these plots.