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NumPy Random Normal to Create Normal Distributions Cover Image

Numpy Normal (Gaussian) Distribution (Numpy Random Normal)

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Numpy random.normal function to create normal (or Gaussian) distributions. The functions provides you with tools that allow you create distributions with specific means and standard distributions. Additionally, you can create distributions

Mean Squared Error in Python with Scikit-Learn Cover Image

How to Calculate Mean Squared Error in Python

The mean squared error is a common way to measure the prediction accuracy of a model. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to calculate the mean squared error in Python. You’ll start off by learning what the mean squared error

How to Calculate a Z-Score in Python (4 Ways)

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Python to calculate a z-score for an array of numbers. You’ll learn a brief overview of what the z-score represents in statistics and how it’s relevant to machine learning. You’ll then learn

How to Calculate and Plot A Correlation Matrix in Python Cover Image

Calculate and Plot a Correlation Matrix in Python and Pandas

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to calculate a correlation matrix in Python and how to plot it as a heat map. You’ll learn what a correlation matrix is and how to interpret it, as well as a short review

pandas relative frequencies

Relative Frequencies and Absolute Frequencies in Python and Pandas

In this post, you’ll learn how to calculate relative frequencies and absolute frequencies using pure Python, as well as the popular data science library, Pandas. A relative frequency, measures how often a certain value occurs in a dataset, relative to