Choose Between Python isdigit(), isnumeric(), and isdecimal()
Learn how to use the Python isdigit, isnumeric, and isdecimal methods to check whether or not a string is a number and their differences.
Learn how to use the Python isdigit, isnumeric, and isdecimal methods to check whether or not a string is a number and their differences.
Learn how to use Python to return multiple values from your functions, using tuples, lists, and dictionaries to understand function outputs.
Learn how to use Python to calculate the natural logarithm, often referred to as ln, using the math and numpy libraries, and how to plot it.
Learn how to use Python for exponentiation, meaning how to raise numbers to a give power, including how to use operators and math.
Learn how to sample data in Pandas using Python, including how to use the sample function, reproduce results, and weighted samples of data.
Learn how to use Python to remove special characters from a string, including how to do this using regular expressions and isalnum.
Learn how to use Python to copy a file, including 4 different ways to accomplish this. Learn how to copy metadata and permissions.
Learn how to use Python to reverse a number including how to use reverse integers and how to reverse floats in with a custom function.
Learn how to use Python to reverse a list, including how to use the reversed function, list indexing, and a python list comprehension.
Learn to use Python to lowercase text, using the lower and caseload functions, checking if strings are lower and converting lists to lower.
Learn how to use Python to convert degrees to radians and radians to degrees, using the math library and the numpy library.
Use Python and Pandas to export a dataframe to a CSV file, using .to_csv, including changing separators, encoding, and missing values.